Organizational Chart of U.S Body-Guard Alliance (IBGA)



Note: All authorities should have at least 20 members



1 - Board of Directors
2 - CEO
3 - Deputy Managing Director
4 - Secretary and Director of Program Manager
5 – Employment section



6 –Responsible for Sponsors
7 - Responsible for Consultants
8 - Charge of International Relations and Foreign Affairs
9 –Computer operator
10 - Responsible for public relations
11 - Responsible for support
12 – Responsible for Financial affairs
13 - Responsible for Accounting matters
14 - Responsible for Procurement
15 - Responsible for transport
16 – Responsible for Technical Committee
17 - Responsible for Training and Weapons
18 – Responsible for Teachers Committee
19 – Responsible for Academic Committee
20 – Responsible for Advertising and Communications Committee
21 – Responsible for Communication Committee
22 – Responsible for Military Committee
23 – Responsible for Inspection Committee
24 – Responsible for Legal and Judicial Committee
25 - Responsible for Planning and Training Committee
26 - Responsible for Protection and Data Committees
27 - Responsible for Info Committee
28 - Responsible for Operation and Anti-crisis Committee
29 - Responsible for Information Technology Committee
30 - Responsible for Overseas Committee
31 - Responsible for Anti-terrorism Committee
32 - Responsible for Hostage Release Committee
33 - Responsible for Subtle Control Committee
34 - Responsible for Planning and Budget Committee
35 - Responsible for Representatives Committee
36 - Responsible for Procedures Committee
37 - Responsible for Medical and Psychological Committee
38 – in charge of Foreign embassies Committee
39 -  requirement of Internal and External Administrative Staff









Article 1 - Name



International Body-Guard Alliance, which briefly called IBGA, was established in Idabel, Oklahoma, USA in 1990. It has been formed according to USA laws, and with the assigned authorities, under this statute.
The Statute has been translated to several official languages used in the alliance; however in cases where the material is difficult to interpret
, the English text, will be considered the original and valid version.




Article 2 - Universality
International Body-Guard Alliance, emphasizes it’s global nature by incorporating associations, unions, institutions, agencies and protective services, and specialized agencies and their police throughout the world, regarding the care and respect to the diversity of legal systems and cultures.





Article 3 - Targets of I.B.G.A regardless of political and ideological considerations are the following:
3-1-1 – Promotion of fundamentals of professional body-guard and security guard in the world, particularly the principle of independence and freedom and security along with the interests of all who are working in the legal, judicial and juridical systems according to the defined approved principles of I.B.G.A.




3-1-2 – Development and promotion of body- guard and protection of characters, and anti-terrorism in all fields.



3-1-3 – Help to create an international political, social, cultural, judicial and security order, based on the international justice through the law, for peace.





3-1-4 - To this end, cooperation with national and international commonwealth organizations or agencies which facilitate achieving these objectives.





3-1-5 - Support for ongoing communication and exchange between body-guarding or agencies, national associations, national unions or martial federations, military schools and their members at the international level and supporting their activities and participation in such activities.



3-1-6 - Preparation for permanent representation of International Body-Guard Alliance in international governmental and NGO agencies.



3-1-7 –Defending material and moral rights of members, reviewing the issues of the organization and their professional position at the international level.









3-1-8 - Issuing licenses and official identification cards and integrated ID, confirmed by Interpol.



3-1-9. Granting of security-guard and body-guard plaque which has been integrated and confirmed by Interpol.




3-1-10- Establishment of international body-guard training facilities.





3-2 – International Body-Guard Alliance seeks to achieve the above objectives , applying the appropriate tools, particularly with the formation of conferences and festivals and international competitions, printing literatures and broadcasting them through all group Medias, and forming international seminars and international referees.






Article 4 - The legal domicile
4-1 - The legal domicile and home center of the alliance is in Orange County, California, USA.



4-2 – IBGA Office headquarters of the Alliance is located in the United States of America.



4-3 - The Middle East/Asia/Europe/America Office, according to decision of board of directors, and CEO, is allowed to set administrative offices and other business within its territory.





Article 5 - Time



International Body-Guard Alliance has been established for unlimited time duration.






Article 6 - Individual members
Body-guarding forces who are working based on their country's legal standards, associations and their professional associations and who respect the principles contained in Article 3 of the statute can become an individual member of the Alliance .









Article 7 - Group members



The following legal entities can be accepted as a group member of I nternational Body-Guard Alliance, provided that such persons support the objectives set forth in Article 3, and their Board of Directors have been determined through a free election.




-          National agencies and professional organizations that may involve body-guards and security guards.



-          Local unions and organizations whose members are body-guards or security guards.



-          Local professional organizations or comprehensive representative institutes that the body-guards are not members of.



-          National organizations, including local organizations, professional institutions and security services.



-          National professional organizations that have large scale activities aimed at supporting body-guarding and security professionals and their members are exclusively martial artists, police, private inspectors and retired police officers.



-          Body-guarding populations with the aim of supporting the Alliance objectives and promoting its activities on the basis of a temporary state of emergency that comes up in countries because they can not economically raise sufficient number of individual members to their membership.





Article 8 - Affiliated members





8-1 - The following members can be accepted as individual members in affiliation with the I.B.G.A:



- Other professionals who have been working at first in martial arts, military and police issues, with college degrees; also all other body-guards who are graduates  of the university and are subject to regulations of professional conduct, and in their career they are not under state employee .



- Martial arts professors of the university system, conditional on not active in any professional conflicting body-guarding activities.
- Martial arts masters and professors, and professional body-guarding and security masters who have a coach position.








8-2- The following members can be accepted as group members of the International Body-Guard and Security Alliance:
- International Body-Guarding and Security Institutions with a large membership of members
- Agencies, associations, national unions and national or international centers with a large membership as described in Article 8-1
- National and international body-guarding and security services as described in Article 8-1.




Article 9 - Accepting members



9-1 - Admission and acceptance of affiliated individual members are done by the executive committee after consultation with their national vice chairman.



9-2 - Accepting members occurring as a group, and accepting affiliated group members is done through the advice of the executive committee, by board of directors. Excluding international body-guarding and security institutions after consultation with the national committee or if they do not have a national committee, after consultation with the vice chairman of the institutions, bidding is done in the beneficiary country.




9.3. - All rejections must be logical, and during one month, all processes of issuance and reception of receipts should be done through registered mailing.





9-3 - All rejections must be justified and should be done within a month through the registered mail along with notification.



9-4 - Within one month after the rejection notice, the group members can protest to general assembly, and members, individual members, and the affiliated individual members to the board of directors, or appeal for reconsideration .



9-5 - All members of International Body-Guard Alliance described above are considered as valid members of the alliance, conditional on payment of their membership fees.



9-6 - Only the individual affiliated members whose dues are paid in a timely fashion can have executive positions in the I.B.G.A.








Article 10 - Resignation - Evictions





10-1 - Each member can resign from the membership of I.B.G.A., if they see fit to do so. All p aid dues will not be refunded.





10-2 - Any breach of these vested obligations, or breach of any of the goals of alliance, could be grounds for dismissal of individual members.





10-3 – The decision to expel a member must be justified and the member will be notified within a month of the decision.





10-4 - No member can be expelled after a month has elapsed from the date of notification by registered mail and received receipt and as well as should not be expelled before a hearing is held and they are able to defend their honor.





10-5 - Within a month after the date of notification, the group members and affiliated group members can submit their appeal to the general assembly and affiliated individual members to the directory board.



10-6 – Resigned or expelled members have no rights to alliance assets.






Article 11 - Components of I.B.G.A
Union pillars are:
- General Assembly
- Board of Directors
- Executive Committee (Executive Board)
eside these elements, International Senate as described in prescribed Article 22, has a consultative role on assigned topics.








Article 12 -- General Assembly




12.1. General assembly is the highest unit of I.B.G.A    




12.2. General assembly convenes once a year, at a time and place determined by the board.




12.3. At least two months before the meeting, advertisement of the conventions with the agenda prepared by the executive committee should be sent. The agenda must contain issues related to the objectives of the alliance that have been offered by the national vice chairman of at least five countries.



12-4 - All members of I.B.G.A with dues current have right to attend meetings of the general assembly.
Only group members and individual members and their representatives, who are present, have the right to vote.
In addition, any people who have been invited by the board of directors or representatives of affiliated group members, and affiliated individual members can attend the general meeting as observers.




12.5. Resolutions are approved according to the provisions contained in Article 14. General assembly resolutions are approved in accordance with the rules prescribed in Article 14.





Article 13 -- General assembly authority




13.1. General Assembly decides about issues and goals raised in the agenda.



However, the vote must take place regarding the resolutions of the proposal of five national vice chief of directors




13.2. General Assembly warrants on the revised applications have been submitted from its affiliated group members following the Articles 9.4 and 10.6









Article 14 -- How to vote in the Assembly




14.1. General Assembly decisions require an absolute majority of votes of those in attendance.




14.2. Any individual member or his representative present at the general assembly will have the right to one vote.




14.3.  Only group and individual members who paid membership fees two months before the general meeting have the right to vote




14.4. Affiliated members that their dues are paid a daily basis can participate in the Assembly with advisory position without voting rights .






14.5 Voting will be on an open basis. No secret voting allowed.




14.6. Group and individual members can vote personally or via determining representative. Representatives should be member of I.B.G.A.





Article 15 -- Board of Directors (BOD)




15.1. Board of Directors components is responsible for monitoring management activities and executive quality. Executive committee presents the appropriate issues which are outside of jurisdiction of the General Assembly to the BOD.



The BOD adopts budget and dues, and approves the regulations of the alliance, and provides the discussed proposals in reforming the provisions outlined in the statute for approval of the General Assembly, and considers issues of the members.




15.2. The BOD has exclusive jurisdiction in admission or dismissal of the group or affiliated group members, on the condition of lodging objections to the general assembly on their behalf








15.3. At least twice in a year, BOD orders union chiefs to meet.




15.4. Invitations should be sent at least one month before each session along with agenda contains items related to the objectives of the International Body-Guard Alliance which is suggested by regional deputies of staff or heads of the permanent committees.




15.5. Board meetings can be formed upon request of five regional vice of staff and the application form must contain reasons and objectives of the meeting.




15.6. In case of equal votes, decisive vote is for the Chairman of the BOD.




15.7. The BOD has exclusive jurisdiction in admission or dismissal of the individual or affiliated individual members . Also, the BOD will rule about objections of individual members that followed the provisions taken in articles 9.4 & 1.6.





15.8. BOD considers all referred matters of its members




15.9. BOD listens to reports of deputies of heads and leaders of the permanent committee.





15.10. Police chiefs, heads of security forces, President, Governor





15.11. Board of Directors chooses designated candidates of Executive Committee for Chairman of the Congress









Article 16 -- BOD composition




Board members include :



- Chief advisers
- Heads of Congress who were previously named and Heads of both past Congress
- Deputies of elected Head of National Committees, each of them is representative of the countries where the committee is organized.
- Local secretary appointed by the Executive Committee.
- Heads of the main permanent committee which are set based on their fieldwork and how their activities are sanctioned by the Executive Committee's direction.
- Honorary Heads of International Body-Guard Alliance
- Heads of sub-commissions of the Executive Committee
- Deputies of directors and Assistants of General Secretaries






Article 17 - Executive Committee





17.1. Executive committee is the executive agency of the association and oversees the implementation of decisions adopted by the General Assembly and Board of Directors .




17.2. Executive Committee i s responsible for preparing the budgets within the I.B.G.A.




17.3. Executive Committee inspects all issues related to daily activities of I.B.G.A., especially in issues that deal with immediate needs. In these cases executive committee should report activities to the BOD.





17.4. General Chairman, Elected Vice-chairmen and the first Deputies of Officials must have different nationalities.





17.5. According to the General Chairman's proposal, the Executive Committee will select deputies of directors, assistants of general secretary and also consultants for General Chairman with specific tasks; that the number is not more than fifteen (15) .
They may participate in Executive Committee meetings with their advisory position; in the case of non-compliance of duties, Executive Committee will terminate their appointment.










17.6. Executive Committee determines the city and the country of the proposed meeting based on reports of Chairman of the subcommittee who reviews submitted proposals.





17.7 Executive Committee can select Responsible sub-commissions to address specific issues.




17.8. The Chairman can invite each one of Board members to participate in an Executive Committee meeting.




17.9. Executive Committee will legislate to all regulations for work of the Alliance that they would like to pass and then will present them to the Board.




17.10. Executive committee determines the regional secretaries.




17.11. Executive Committee approves forming of national committees and the relevant regulations.





Article 18 -- Committee composition



v Chairman



v Deputy of Chairman



v Elected Successor



v Three first Deputies of Director



v Studying Managers



v Development Manager



v Financial Manager



v General Secretary



v Director of Inspection and Supervision



v Head of the next Annual meeting








Article 19 -- Head



19.1. The Head oversees the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.



19.2. The Head under the auspices of his position is a member of all permanent committees and working groups and sub-commissions.



19.3. The Head is the Director of International Body-Guard Alliance of the particular country, and represents the Alliance at the United Nations, international organizations and others.





19.4. The H ead is executor of the General Assembly, the Board and Executive Committee on all decisions.




19.5. If the Head is displaced, his position will spread to deputy chairman until the position is filled by an elected chairman.





Article 20 – Placement of the Director (Head)




20.1 The Regional Director (Head) is not an elected official. He is appointed by the International Director of the I.B.G.A.




20.2. The Country Director (Head) is appointed by the Regional Director and the International Director.





20.3. The Executive Committee has the right to reject candidates who lacked the terms of this statute, or laws of secondary nationality, in some cases this committee is allowed to consider concessions.
The Head offers the list of elected candidates of the Executive Committee to BOD in order for voting procedures. Preliminary results of this poll are submitted to the General Assembly.



20.4. First deputies of the Head are considered as members of all commissions and sub-commissions and working groups under credit of their positions and posts.










Article 21 -- Regional Secretaries





21.1. Regional secretaries are appointed by the Executive Committee and are responsible for communication between different linguistic and geographic regions of world and international organizations and International Body-Guard Alliance (I.B.G.A.)

Article 22 -- International Senate of United Nations





International Senate of Security Council has been created to address all business related to Body-guarding, Security and other issues of countries around the world. The House will cooperate with the associations and unions and military communities, whether is a group member of the alliance or not, whether or not will work based on a global, continental or group of countries.



Senate forms by invitation of head and is composed of the following members:



-          A leader of the group members of the Security Council or their representatives, as it has been mentioned in Article Seven.
- Board of Directors
- UN invited staff or national and international gatherings of Security Council, whether they are members of the UN or not.






  1. The following individuals are qualified to accept and submit the GMTA Individual Application for Membership form:
    • The Director